Monday, March 29, 2010

Bought the Veil

Huge item tacked off of my list! *Wipes sweat from brow*

I ordered my veil today online at They are awesome because I was able to order a few swatches for free and match them to my dress.

I ended up ordering the following veil in pink ($15 extra) with pink edges ($10 extra). With shipping it came out to $65. I should be expecting it in the mail in 6 to 8 business days.

Here it is:

And the back.

I feel like a real bride. Again. One small step for me, a giant leap for my wedding!

I loved the website, they had a lot of options as far as length, and customizing with rhinestones/pearls/edges. A lot of the veils were displayed with multiple photos and these intense 360 degree videos!

I wanted to stop shelling out money so I got a simpler veil, and I kind of the thought the fact that it was pink would make a statment on its own. I'm sure my mom and I could garnish it with rhinestones or something if we really want to. I decided that I did not want a chapel or floor length veil like I originally thought because I fell in love with this one. I hope its not the coy looking model in the photo that's pulling the wool over my eyes! JK I know I like the veil. Can't wait to have it in my hands!

1 comment:

The Pink Bride

Thanks for visiting!